Edge of Tomorrow
http://youtu.be/vp9P-d2LHgc Edge of Tomorrow didn’t have me on the edge of my seat, however with it’s SciFi version of Groundhog Day it did keep me entertained. Tom Cruise who is…
Crime Fighting Cheerleaders
Here is an interview we did with some adventurous women who want to make a female heroin out of cheerleaders. LaNece couldn’t had been more nice. This was filmed in…
Interview w/ Aspen and Julie… Cosplay in Utah
We had a chance to visit with other cosplayers in SLC, UT. Here is a video interview with Aspen and Julie. Both great fun to be around while we were…
Xbox One, E3, and The Division
This week is E3. This is where we see some of the hottest and coolest games, consider by many as the first round of what is to be expected for…
No Casey Jones “TMNT” 2014?
While this is not recent news it is always worth bringing it up to those true TMNT fans. Why no Casey Jones? We’ve been through enough since the original release…
Episode 28 Days of Future Past…or is it?
Greetings Earthlings…we have now taken over your radioooooooo….. No wait, this isn’t Space Jam but we have a great show for you anyway. In this Episode we talk mostly about…
Middle Earth and The White Walker
They call him The White Walker. He kills with the speed of a wraith and the soul of a demon. He is relentless and no one survives his encounters. But…
Doctor Who or Doctor When?
I am not what you would consider a “whovian” of which there is an actual definition for, however once I started watching Doctor Who over a year ago it began…
Can Batman Arkham Knight be the best Batman in the series?
Batman! When you hear that name what do you think of? Maybe we think of the Adam West Batman of the 60’s, perhaps we think of the Michael Keaton Batman.…
Marvel’s AVENGERS S.T.A.T.I.O.N.
O HAI! What if I told you that there was an actual Avengers Scientific Training and Tactical Intelligence Operative Network. A place developed in part by NASA, offering an interactive…