Alright so 1987 Robocop is more violent then 2014 Robocop? The original 1987 Robocop was rated R, and I remember how graphic it was for that time. However the 2014 Robocop will be rated PG13.

Is this a good thing, Have we become more desensitized to what was rated R in 1987, or are they finally figuring out how to make good movies without making it an “R” rated movie?


Can’t wait to find out and compare the two.


One thought on “Robocop reboot”
  1. You know Mike, I believe we have become very desensitized. It doesn’t mean that it makes a movie better or worse. As it refers to Robocop, I would prefer it to be rated R. I remember Robocop to be dark and gritty and I hope a PG-13 rating doesn’t take this away.

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