Digging around on the cutting room floor, we managed to find this gem.   You can see the latest version of the newest Star Trek reboot … this was one made the final cut.  I think they used one of the navigators or the captain in the movie.

Ok, Ok… maybe it isn’t what you think… but it doesn’t get any better than this.  Classic!!!  Why did they get rid of this again?


7 thoughts on “Star Trek Reboot, Again?”
  1. My family really enjoyed watching the Haskin’s Star Trek episode. BTW what is the name of the episode? JP

  2. I think a good title for this episode would be “Haskins Heroes!”. Magic Mike may need to change his name to “Captain Mike” after this video gets out. He and his carefree and logical side-kick, Spock, outwitted those dastardly Klingons in their crusade to destroy Starfleet and rule the Universe! And, were it not for the gallant efforts of the brilliant navigational and weaponry skills of the 4-sister crew, Dianna, Julia, Melissa and Sarah, the Enterprise would not have escaped this attack! Excellent training mission and a job well done, Haskins Heroes! All I can say is that they must have some awesome parents who taught them that families are stronger than evil space beings!

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